Fashion and Textile Design
green carpet.
Type: Competition
Senior Mentor: Akshita Maheshwari
Faculty Mentor: SaijalChoudhary
Project highlights :
Concept Building
Mindful Consumption
The Design Village in collaboration with MUJI India organised THE GREEN CARPET advocacy show.
It is a campaign to create awareness of mindful consumption in garment and related industries.
Prompt 1: The fashion industry is designed to make you feel "out of trend" after one week.
Team 1: Anushka + Kashish + Mamta + Priyanshi + Shubhangi (the winning team)
Muse: Shubhangi
Concept: The modifications that contemporary culture expects in the name of fashion were taken into consideration when creating this garment. It encompasses three different surfaces that stand in for three different kinds of garments. The model was shown rushing to change into new attire to match society's expectations while she was strolling across the carpet.

Prompt 2: 20% of industrial water pollution, comes from textile treatment & dyes.
Team 1: Aakriti + Anushka + Harshita + Sajjal + Vrinda
Muse: Vrinda
Concept: This garment serves as a visual representation of how industry pollutes the oceans and seas, which are home to millions of aquatic species and are choking their existence. This garment not only illustrates the issue, but also many methods for cleaning up the waste.